Linda Hummel
Linda Hummel started as director of NLR on 1 January 2021. Linda has many years of experience in international organizations, both in the corporate as the humanitarian sector.

What is really important to me is that leprosy can be prevented.
Linda worked at Amref Flying Doctors for the past 15 years and before that she held various management and executive positions in the corporate sector. Now she is committed to work together on Zero Leprosy: “In the future we can put a definitive end to leprosy. That is a clear, concrete and achievable goal. Not only for the people who personally deal with it on a daily basis, such as leprosy patients and their families, but also for the people who are committed to a solution such as health workers, researchers, donors, doctors, companies, fundraisers, governments and the health organisations in the countries where we work,” Linda says.
From corporate to NGO sector
Linda was born in Africa, but grew up in the Netherlands and later worked for international commercial organisations. At one point she wanted to use that work experience in the social sector. To leave the world a bit better in the future, through my work. Preferably for people who are marginalised.
Since that transition, she is delighted to work with the enthusiastic people in this sector: “I recognize the purposefulness of the business world, and I see the passion and drive that a social purpose instills in people. That combination makes working for a good cause incredibly exciting for me. In addition, it also gives me great satisfaction to be able to mean something to other people.”
Amref Flying Doctors
“During my visits to Africa, I was always very impressed with the encounters with healthcare providers. Doctors, nurses and health volunteers who practice their profession under challenging conditions and with a lot of passion and professionalism and ensure progress in their country.”
During that time, the ecounter with the Kenyan Nice Nailantei made a big impression on Linda. She was a colleague who fled home as a child to avoid female circumcision. She later became a champion in that area and prevented the circumcision of thousands of girls. She also adapted the law and centuries-old traditions. “People like Nice Nailantei inspire me a lot.”
I would like to work with the professional and passionate team to achieve our mission: a world without leprosy.
Ambitions for NLR – until No Leprosy Remains
Linda wants to realise the plans and objectives that have been made by keeping the many donors and other stakeholders involved in NLR’s work and results. In addition, she want to continue to draw attention to the public and politicians; to make it clear that leprosy still exists, but that zero leprosy is achievable, in our lifetime!