Until No Leprosy Remains

We are known as people who keep going until breakthroughs are ready to be implemented. A recent, major breakthrough provides hope: stopping leprosy is within reach. It takes joint effort for the next two decades but we have the ambition to continue until No Leprosy Remains.

We are NLR
Where we work

What we have achieved in 2023


New leprosy patients detected


Persons received SDR-PEP


Endemic areas with PEP support


Health staff trained on leprosy, prevention of disablities and stigma


Local actors voicing concerns and needs of persons affected by leprosy


Persons affected by leprosy with improved socio-economic situation

View all our results

The history of NLR

Our founders Mr Dick Leiker and Mrs Ciska Anten founded Netherlands Leprosy Relief on 30 March 1967. Ever since that day, we have been working towards a world free of leprosy and social exclusion due to disabilities. Read what inspired our founders back then, and what inspires us today.

Founders of NLR
Ciska Anten and Dick Leiker, the founders of NLR

Our international partnerships

Collaboration is vital to keep the fight against leprosy high on the agenda. That’s why we work closely with other organisations and team up in international networks. Find out how our partnerships add up to a single vision: a world free of leprosy and social exclusion due to disabilities.