Project Update: Local Economic Development of People with Disability through Active Advocacy for an Inclusive Policy (LEAP)
Many persons with disabilities find it hard to access both formal and informal jobs in a job market even though their rights to get a decent livelihood is protected by regulations.

In response to this condition, NLR Indonesia and 3 local disability organizations (HWDI South Sulawesi, PPDI South Sulawesi and PerMaTa South Sulawesi, an organisation of persons affected by leprosy) designed a project called LEAP in 2018. Implemented in 3 districts (North Toraja, Makasar City and Bulukumbang), the project strives for better inclusion of persons with disabilities, including people affected by leprosy, in the economic sector. It encourages access and opportunities for employment rights for persons with disabilities and people affected by leprosy
The LEAP project has three key strategies: (1) creation of information and comprehensive databases on the topic of disabilities in employment; (2) modeling of inclusive employment and entrepreneurship programs; and (3) evidence-based advocacy. These approaches are translated into a few activities involving key stakeholders such as government, public sectors, Disabled People Organisations (DPOs), multistakeholder forum at district and province level, and media.
As of 2020 the project has made the following achievements.
The availability of data and information about persons with disabilities and person affected by leprosy, mainly in the topic of economic sector. It has been disseminated to at least 12 government agencies at the district level and 3 agencies at the provincial level, 39 organizations (CSO, DPO, NGO), 4 business actors and 4 local press/media. These stakeholders were also introduced and familiarized to information about legal policy, the right to work and entrepreneurship of persons with disabilities and the importance of including persons with disability in the workforce. DPOs with local stakeholders also developed individual database format for person with disabilities which have been tested in 8 villages in 3 project areas. The resulted database model has been presented to local government.
Strengthened capacity of DPOs in conducting evidence-based advocacy and awareness raising. After series of training on lobby and advocacy, 3 DPOs in project areas have developed lobby & advocacy plans for inclusive disability policies, mainly in the topic of decent work for PwDs (formal and informal jobs). In North Toraja, legal draft is on final review by government’s law office and it expected to be legalized in November 2020.
The availability of disability-inclusive program model for persons with disabilities and persons affected by leprosy as a reference program, especially for the government and relevant parties. The models are aimed to promote entrepreneurial opportunities and access and inclusive jobs for person with disabilities and persons affected by leprosy. These models have been piloted by involving many relevant stakeholders, including Vocational Training Center (BLK), manpower office, Small medium enterprise office, and DPOs.