Project update

NLR has achieved great results for our project ‘Promoting disability-inclusive agricultural and health development in Mozambique‘. See below for a summary of the project results.

  • A total of 1617 small producers have been trained in conservation agriculture practices. Positively exceeding the initial target of 1000 farmers.
  • After a year of training and guidance, the project measured the increase of 73% in agricultural productivity of which is above the project target of 60%.
  • 41 Farmers Organisations have been created and trained since the start of the project. Some of these have started saving schemes. This allows for members to support each other through small loans.
  • 67 health service providers (above the targeted 35) have been trained on timely diagnosis and treatment of leprosy, lymphatic filariasis (LF) and konzo and its complications.
  • 1771 people have been reached through education and awareness raising sessions carried out in the communities on early case detection and prevention of the diseases and their devastating effects as well as basic management of complications.
  • So far, the project has supported 463 people (236 women and 227 men) in 40 newly formed Self Care Groups. Among them, 74 are affected by leprosy, 59 suffer from hydrocele, 11 lymphedema, 17 are affected by konzo and another 94 have other disabilities. They are provided with paramedical assistance and are practicing self-care, and have shown improvements in their mobility and functionality.