NLR is a NGO that has been one of the major change-makers in the fight against leprosy in the past 50 years.

A world without leprosy is a concrete and realistic goal. Our ambition is to work towards zero leprosy in 2040.  We believe that ambitious goals can inspire and encourage us along this journey. We continue until No Leprosy Remains! Will you join us?

In 2019, NLR secured funding from a foundation to implement the Ready4PEP project, which was codesigned with partners in Nigeria and Mozambique.

In collaboration with the government health authorities and leprosy divisions in particular, the project has been implemented by Leprosy and Tuberculosis Relief Initiative (LTR), The Leprosy Mission (TLM) and RedAid in Nigeria, and by NLR and TLM in Mozambique.

Two no-cost extensions of the originally 3-year project were approved, extending the final date to the end of 2024.

 We are looking for a:
Consultant for the final evaluation of the Ready4PEP project
(around 25 days in a period of 3 months)


The evaluation will be coordinated internationally by one consultant/consultancy, who will engage a consultant or team of consultants in each project implementation country. The international consultant will lead the evaluation from the methodological point of view, develop the main data collection tools and coordinate the evaluation steps, making sure that the evaluations in the two countries are aligned.

A consultant will be hired in each country to validate existing and collect additional data.

The consultants will review the existing data and documentation, including the baseline and endline data collected by the implementing partners, conduct key-informants interview and other data collection activities in the project implementation areas. They will analyse the data and share the preliminary findings with NLR international Office in the Netherlands and the implementing partners.

The consultant(s) will (co-) facilitate a restitution workshop in each country. The workshops, co-organised with NLR Mozambique and LTR Nigeria, have the objective of analysing and validating results, sharing stories of change, and identifying and gaining commitment from all stakeholders on future steps to maintain and/or scale up SDR-PEP administration in each country.

Your profile

For this assignment we are looking for a consultant that relates to the following:

  • Extensive experience in the evaluation of health related projects and programmes in low-resource settings;
  • Ability to subcontract additional evaluators in the countries of project implementation;
  • Expertise in the use of quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection and analysis;
  • Experience in facilitating multi-stakeholders’ events;
  • Excellent communication, writing and presentation skills, in English (Portuguese is advantageous);
  • Experience with leprosy related projects is an advantage;
  • Experience in Sub-Saharan countries will be an asset.

Duration of consultancy

We estimate 25 days of work. A more specific proposal is expected to be developed by the consultant and can be revised in defining the plan. The workshops at country level are expected to be held by end of October 2024 and the final report, summary document and a slideshow presentation should be ready by mid November 2024.


Interested and qualified candidates are invited to submit the following documents no later than 28 July 2024 by email to

  • Expression of interest outlining how you meet the selection criteria;
  • A summarized description of the scope of work and the intended methodology to be used as well as a tentative work plan including activities and time frames;
  • Names and contacts of three recent professional referees for whom similar work has been conducted;
  • If available, an example of similar pieces of work completed recently, also by sharing hyperlinks;
  • Curriculum Vitae outlining relevant qualifications and experience;
  • Itemized financial proposal.

The documents can be presented as separate attachments or as a single file.

For more information, please contact Valeria Pecchioni, PMEL advisor, via If you want we can share the detailed terms of reference with you.

NLR strives for equal opportunities for everyone. We expressly encourage candidates from various backgrounds to apply.

About NLR

Leprosy still exists today. This ancient disease impacts the lives and futures of hundreds of people every day. Leprosy affects the most marginalized communities. Every two minutes, someone is diagnosed with leprosy, leading to being ostracized by family, household members, friends, and neighbours. They become socially isolated and give up on their education, work, and dreams. Disabilities caused by leprosy fuel stigma and discrimination. Social exclusion is a direct result of a lack of awareness, knowledge and understanding about the disease and how the bacteria causing leprosy spreads. Totally unnecessary. The solutions are already available. We can cure leprosy. We can even prevent leprosy. No one needs to give up their life or dreams for this. With warmth and respect, we can help persons affected by leprosy. With knowledge and collaboration, this disease can be eliminated within a generation. Our generation. After all these centuries, we are almost there. A world without leprosy and its consequences.

With a total of 250 employees worldwide, NLR fights leprosy in cooperation with organisations in India, Brazil, Indonesia, Mozambique, Nepal and an international office in the Netherlands. The international office and the national NGOs form the NLR Alliance, working towards our vision: a world without leprosy.