NLR Nepal
Combatting leprosy, and its effects in tandem with local, provincial, and national governments, NLR Nepal focuses on reducing the number of new cases, preventing disability, and inclusion of persons with disabilities in mainstream development through early case finding, and disability inclusive development projects.

I am happy that we now can also treat people preventively
LPEP Coordinator Srijana Adhikari
NLR Nepal is a frontrunner in the implementation of the Leprosy Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (LPEP) pilot. The project aims to assess the feasibility, acceptability, cost efficiency, and efficacy of chemoprophylaxis as a leprosy control strategy. It seeks to reduce the number of new cases of leprosy and prevent disability through early-stage detection of the disease.
Moreover, NLR Nepal promotes a Disability-Friendly Communities model. In this concept, communities, government agencies, and other relevant stakeholders become responsible and accountable towards fulfilling the rights of persons with disabilities, including persons affected by leprosy, as provisioned in laws, policies, and programmes. We pursue the full integration of persons with a disability, so they can play an active part in society and lead a normal life.
What have we achieved in Nepal?
Our results of last year
New leprosy cases diagnosed and treated
Persons that received SDR-PEP
Health staff trained on leprosy, prevention of disablities and stigma
Regions in the country where SDR-PEP is implemented

Stop the transmission of Leprosy!
NLR interrupts leprosy transmission by treating both patients and their contacts. However, does our approach work in the field? Read how we find out.

Promoting persons with disabilities’ rights
Learn how we include persons with disabilities caused by leprosy and other diseases in mainstream development by promoting disability-inclusive development.