NLR | until No Leprosy Remains

NLR - until No Leprosy Remains

Our global ambition

NLR’s overall goal is a world free of leprosy by 2040. That is our ambition. After 4,000 years of human suffering, we are the generation that can end one of the world’s oldest and most notorious disabling diseases. Read more!

Why we fight leprosy?

Leprosy still exists today. This ancient disease impacts the lives and futures of hundreds of people every day. Leprosy affects the most marginalized communities. Every two minutes, someone is diagnosed with leprosy, leading to being ostracized by family, household, friends, and neighbours. They become socially isolated and give up on their education, work, and dreams.

Disabilities caused by leprosy fuel stigma and discrimination. Social exclusion is a direct result of a lack of awareness, knowledge and understanding about the disease and how leprosy spreads.

Totally unnecessary. The solutions are already available.

We can cure leprosy.

We can even prevent leprosy.

No one needs to give up their life or dreams for this.

With warmth and respect, we can help persons affected by leprosy.

With knowledge and collaboration, this disease should be eradicated within a generation. Our generation.

After all these centuries, we are almost there. Help us achieve our ultimate goal.

A world without leprosy and its consequences.

Our goals

Even today, leprosy causes disability and social exclusion. The disease affects millions of lives. NLR works towards a leprosy-free world by supporting and encouraging governments to accelerate leprosy elimination strategies, focus on the prevention of leprosy and stopping transmission and advocating for equal rights and opportunities for persons affected by leprosy.

An alliance of partners active across five countries

  1. Brazil

    1,493 Health staff trained on leprosy, prevention of disablities and stigma

    Visit page
  2. Mozambique

    611 Persons affected by leprosy with improved socio-economic situation

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  3. India

    41,853 new patients diagnosed and treated

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  4. Nepal

    119,666 contacts received preventive treatment (SDR-PEP or PEP++)

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  5. Indonesia

    431 local actors voicing rights and concerns of persons affected by leprosy

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What we achieved in 2023


New leprosy cases diagnosed and treated


Persons received SDR-PEP


Local actors voicing concerns and needs of people affected by leprosy


Health staff trained on leprosy, prevention of disablities and stigma

About us


Annual Report 2023

An old African proverb states: ‘A chattering bird builds no nest’. This means that talking will not get any real work done. It is time to take action. We are doing just that by placing ownership where issues occur and combine knowledge, financial stability and advocacy to scale up our successful interventions.

We hope to keep working with you and realise our shared goals: until No Leprosy Remains

Please enjoy reading NLR’s Annual Report 2023: ‘In Transition’.


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