The office of leprosy doctor Sadraque Xavier
Leprosy doctor Sadraque Xavier with his transport vehicle: a motor
Leprosy doctor Sadraque Xavier treating a person affected by leprosy

It is often difficult to reach the patients. They live very remote

Leprosy doctor Sadraque Xavier

In Mozambique, NLR helps health professionals at provincial and district levels detect early symptoms of leprosy and other disabling diseases. We also support the Ministry of Health in the creation of systems that capture and manage NTDs. At the community level, we raise awareness for leprosy causes, leprosy symptoms, and early treatment in the context of self-help groups. Self-help groups manage complications while creating an environment free from social exclusion, discrimination, and stigma.

Working directly with provincial and district NTD departments, we propose methods that include persons affected by leprosy and other NTDs. We champion innovation in early-stage detection and diagnostic methods, which are tested and embraced by health professionals. For example, more than 60 professionals use our leprosy skin test “SkinApp” to diagnose and confirm skin diseases.

What have we achieved in Mozambique?

Our results of last year


New patients diagnosed and treated


People received SDR-PEP


Persons affected by leprosy with improved socio-economic situation


Health staff trained on leprosy

See all results
Leprosy detection team uses mobile skinapp in Mozambique

Stepping up leprosy prevention with the SkinApp

Find out how our SkinApp helps peripheral health workers recognise early signs and symptoms of leprosy.

Self help group Curruane in Mozambique

Promoting disability-inclusive development

Discover how we promote disability-inclusive development and by doing so, fight social exclusion.