Leprosy doctor Fabiana Amorim de Oliveira explaining self-care
Leprosy doctor Fabiana Amorim de Oliveira
Self-care explanation to a person affected in Brazil

I see the hidden suffering among people affected by leprosy

Leprosy doctor Fabiana Amorim de Oliveira

With 12.4 new cases amongst every 100,000 inhabitants, in 2019 Brazil was the second-most Hansen’s disease-endemic country in the world amongst all major nations. In this light, NHR Brazil has supported public Hansen’s disease control programmes since 1994. In the last three years, 58 projects were supported and developed in 10 of the 26 Brazilian states, focusing on areas and clusters with high rates of patient cases. More than 52,000 people were reached by the interventions, including people affected by Hansen’s disease, their families, communities and health professionals.

In recent years, we built partnerships with public universities, social movements, and organisations of people affected by Neglected Tropical Diseases and of persons with disabilities. We help promote the Brazilian Social Forum for Infectious and Neglected Diseases, joining efforts to advocate for public policies and claim improvements in public health programmes and services. Brazil also is one of three countries to implement the project “Stop the Transmission of Leprosy” (PEP++), providing preventive treatment to close contacts of new Hansen’s disease cases.

What have we achieved in Brazil?

Our results of last year


New patients diagnosed and treated


People received SDR-PEP


Persons affected by leprosy with improved socio-economic situation


Health staff trained on leprosy, prevention of disablities and stigma

See all results
Leprosy doctor examines patient in LPEP project

Stop the transmission of Leprosy!

With PEP++, NLR leverages an innovative approach to interrupt the transmission of Hansen’s disease. Find out how we’re moving closer to zero Hansen’s disease every day.

No discrimination and stigma against persons affected by leprosy

Fighting stigma and social exclusion

Beyond the physical effects of Hansen’s disease, patients experience prejudice that separates them from society. Find out how we fight stigma and social exclusion.