The TCBiA organisation 

The project activities are organized by the Technical Capacity Building in Action coordinators from respective Alliance partners. LTR Nigeria participates as associate partner. The coordinators meet on-line every second month to share and discuss the progress of their activities, the challenges and successes. The TCBiA steering team is comprised of the directors of the Alliance partners (see figure below) and receives regular updates from the project coordinator.  

The coordinators and their role 

From 2023 onwards, the new TCBiA coordinators are appointed to plan, facilitate and monitor the TCBiA activities within their respective organisations, with the NLR International Office to do so for the overall TCBiA project. 

NLR Indonesia

NLR Nepal

NLR Moçambique

NHR Brasil

NLR India

LTR Nigeria

NLR, international office in the Netherlands